NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Tiberia |
5.000 07/18 14:26 |
4.333 07/18 15:02 |
0 | Gold In Great |
5.000 07/18 14:26 |
8.000 07/18 15:02 |
1 | Teranga | L Larrigade | Lu Armand |
10.000 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |
2 | Whispering Dream | H A Pantall | S Saadi |
1.727 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |
3 | Caciotta | A Baron | A Baron |
11.000 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |
4 | Martingana | A G Botti | G Sias |
26.000 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |
6 | Up To The Moon | Mlle G Gadbled | M Justum |
41.000 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |
7 | Harcouela | F R Monfort | A Subias |
34.000 07/18 14:26 |
- 07/18 15:03 |