Coffs Harbour 2023-07-23 03:25

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Among Us Julie Lynch Julie Lynch 81.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
2 Chivalric Rocky Simonetta Rocky Simonetta 101.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
3 El Caballo Matthew Robinson Matthew Robinson 17.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
4 End Of Month Michael Morrison Michael Morrison 12.000
07/20 22:53
07/22 12:45
5 2 La Cache A Vin Brett Bellamy Brett Bellamy 11.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
6 3 Scotland Noel Mayfield-Smith Noel Mayfield-Smith 15.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
7 Transceltic Fleur Blanch Fleur Blanch 34.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
8 All Too Rosey Tony Ball Tony Ball 41.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
9 Diva Carolina Kris Lees Kris Lees 2.500
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
10 Edgewise Neil Godbolt Neil Godbolt 4.800
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
11 Fiddler Onthe Roof Michael Morrison Michael Morrison 5.500
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
12 I Am Spirited Neil Osborne Neil Osborne 34.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
13 4 The Coat Hanger S G Morton S G Morton 17.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
14 Opus Kristen Buchanan Kristen Buchanan 19.000
07/20 22:53
07/22 06:13
15 Shez Lethal P A Smith P A Smith 61.000
07/20 22:53
07/22 20:16
16 All Too Edie Colt Prosser Colt Prosser 101.000
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26
17 1 West Cork Mitch Faulkner Mitch Faulkner 7.500
07/20 22:53
07/23 03:26