NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 3rd or better |
2.375 07/21 14:35 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
0 | 4th or worse |
1.533 07/21 14:35 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
1 | 5 Esther | Alan Greeff | K Minnie |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
2 | 2 Executor | Alan Greeff |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
3 | Golden Pacific | Gavin Smith |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
4 | On The Guest List | Alan Greeff | S Khathi |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
5 | Komesans Passion | Gavin Smith | D Schwarz |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
6 | Ride The Lightning | Kelly Mitchley | M Yeni |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
7 | 1 Mon Tresor | Cliffie Miller |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
8 | 4 Global Goddess | Gavin Smith |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
9 | Emily's Spirit | Alan Greeff | M Mjoka |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
10 | Runningforthestars | Emmanuel Kaknis | D Ashby |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
11 | 3 Isn't It Bliss | Emmanuel Kaknis |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |
12 | 6 Moonstrike | Jacques Strydom | J Gates |
SP 07/20 12:14 |
- 07/21 14:49 |