Wagga 2023-07-24 04:55

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Chile Chile Brett Robb Brett Robb 10.000
07/21 00:16
07/23 19:42
2 Land Of The Brave Craig Weeding Craig Weeding 10.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
3 3 Northern Tahnee Craig Weeding Craig Weeding 23.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
4 Argyll Gardens Doug Gorrel Doug Gorrel 9.000
07/21 00:16
07/22 08:05
5 1 Cracker Dance Kerry Weir Kerry Weir 6.500
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
6 Flying Gem Craig Weeding Craig Weeding 9.000
07/21 00:16
07/23 10:21
7 2 Majestic Lilly Andrew Sheahan Andrew Sheahan 12.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
8 Min Min Light Fiona Schneiders Fiona Schneiders 101.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
9 Summer Cloud David Blundell David Blundell 41.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
10 Arcadia Power Todd Smart Todd Smart 23.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
11 Golden River Gift Wayne Hudd Wayne Hudd 10.000
07/21 00:16
07/23 20:41
12 Hypocrite S G Noble S G Noble 101.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
13 4 Flying Flossy Tash Burleigh Tash Burleigh 3.800
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57
14 Oh Yoko Matthew Dale Matthew Dale 7.000
07/21 00:16
07/24 04:57