Corowa 2023-07-31 05:15

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Fleet Destination Craig Widdison Craig Widdison 10.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
2 Grisbi's Pal C J Davis C J Davis 13.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
3 Luna's Image T P Donnelly T P Donnelly 26.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
4 Open Sky Mitchell Beer Mitchell Beer
5 3 Persuasive Star Geoff Brunsdon Geoff Brunsdon 51.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
6 2 Reward In Time Michelle Russell Michelle Russell 21.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
7 Tudor Cathedrals Shane Bloomfield Shane Bloomfield 26.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
8 Oh Wonderful Why Ben Brisbourne Ben Brisbourne
9 Princess Ida Heath MacLean Heath MacLean 51.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
10 Rub Of The Green Erin Maher Erin Maher 26.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
11 Shezabarbie Lee Hunter Lee Hunter 101.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
12 Social Revolution Michael Travers Michael Travers 7.500
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
13 Cantebury Prince Jody Thompson Jody Thompson 26.000
07/30 02:56
07/30 07:54
14 Nothingelsematters Ben Brisbourne Ben Brisbourne
15 Dakota's Child Ben Brisbourne Ben Brisbourne 7.500
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
16 She's Possessed Bryan Maher Bryan Maher 21.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
17 1 Quinlan Daniel Mccarthy Daniel Mccarthy 1.800
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17
18 Eliud Shane Bloomfield Shane Bloomfield 101.000
07/30 02:56
07/31 05:17