NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Verbena |
8.500 07/27 12:23 |
7.000 07/27 12:59 |
0 | Wing Girl |
4.500 07/27 12:23 |
4.500 07/27 12:59 |
0 | Masala |
4.000 07/27 12:23 |
4.500 07/27 12:59 |
0 | Schwanensee |
8.000 07/27 12:23 |
7.000 07/27 12:59 |
0 | Battle Of The Nile |
4.000 07/27 12:23 |
2.875 07/27 12:59 |
4 | Down Town | M Molist | A Mekouche |
19.000 07/27 12:23 |
- 07/27 12:59 |
6 | Charlychic | Mme M defontaine | A Gavilan |
13.000 07/27 12:23 |
- 07/27 12:59 |
7 | Rhumteqcahoutte | J Piednoel | A Merou |
41.000 07/27 12:23 |
- 07/27 12:59 |
8 | Frenchy | Mlle L Geay | M Foulon |
26.000 07/27 12:23 |
- 07/27 12:59 |
10 | Burning Emotion | D Henderson | M Forest |
10.000 07/27 12:23 |
- 07/27 12:59 |