Darwin 2023-08-02 07:56

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Wolfburn Gary Clarke Gary Clarke
2 Mr Cashman Gary Clarke Gary Clarke
3 4 Great Diviner Gary Clarke Gary Clarke 3.400
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
4 Halgard Dick Leech Dick Leech 13.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
5 1 Munster Neil Dyer Neil Dyer 7.500
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
6 Throw At Da Stumps Kerry Petrick Kerry Petrick 2.800
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
7 3 Versetto Nicole Irwin Nicole Irwin 15.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
8 Bat Pad Mark Nyhan Mark Nyhan 15.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
9 New Roman Kerry Petrick Kerry Petrick 10.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
10 2 Mathematics Kym Healy Kym Healy 51.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
11 Bullinachinashop Chris Nash Chris Nash 51.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
12 Swing With Junior Chloe Baxter Chloe Baxter 15.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57
13 To The Point Chloe Baxter Chloe Baxter 10.000
08/01 02:30
08/02 07:57