Gosford 2023-08-01 10:31

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Stylish Mink (Res)
1 Stylish Mink
2 1 Be In Touch -
08/01 10:31
3 4 Go Forward Ralf 1.600
08/01 10:26
08/01 10:31
4 2 Tarawi Lola 2.250
08/01 10:26
08/01 10:31
5 Painter Of Light -
08/01 10:31
6 Stolen Jade -
08/01 10:31
7 Khaleesi's Jewel -
08/01 10:31
8 Hard Style Rebel -
08/01 10:31
9 Glittering Jazzy
10 3 Mickey's Flyer -
08/01 10:31
10 Mickey's Flyer (Res)