NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Ready And Rich | Daniel Velazquez | Anthony Salgado |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
6.000 08/08 10:51 |
2 | 1 Nick The Cardshark | Jaime Estrada |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |
3 | Federal Case | Bruce Kravets | Inoel Beato |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |
4 | Purple Shirt | Konstantin Harigeorgiou | Wilfred Vasquez |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |
5 | 1 Cargo Ship | Cody Beattie |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |
6 | A T M Awesome | Michael Zalalas | Ricardo Chiappe |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |
7 | 2 Beyond The Bend | Kimberly Graci |
SP 08/07 14:18 |
- 08/08 23:32 |