[1] Juve Stabia 0-0 Foggia [10] 2023-11-13 19:45

Stadium: Stadio Romeo Menti Round: 13

Referee: Leonardo Mastrodomenico Home Manager: Guido Pagliuca Away Manager: Mirko Cudini

Juve Stabia Juve Stabia   Foggia Foggia
0 Goals 0
6 Corners 2
3 Corners (Half) 2
2 Yellow Card 6
0 Yellow/Red Card 0
0 Red Card 0
2 Offsides 2
14 Goal attempts 3
3 Saves 4
1 Shots blocked 0
13 Fouls 23
0 Penalties 0
112 Ball Safe 94
0 Injuries 2
5 Substitutions 5
155 155
91 91
89 89
Dangerous Attacks
43 43
5 5
On Target
3 3
11 11
Off Target
0 0
61 61
Possession %
39 39
€3,760,000 Total market value €5,720,000
€121,000 Avg. market value €179,000
23.7 Avg. Age 24.4
0 National team players 0
0 Youth national team players 0
1 Foreigners 6
1 Club members 3
Juve Stabia Juve Stabia   Foggia Foggia
0 Goals 0
3 Corners 2
1 Yellow Card 2
0 Red Card 0
0 Penalties 0
0 Substitutions 0
79 79
45 45
39 39
Dangerous Attacks
12 12
2 2
On Target
1 1
4 4
Off Target
0 0
61 61
Possession %
39 39


Juve Stabia Foggia
21 - Defender - Matteo Bachini Antonio Vacca - Midfielder - 5
11 - Forward - Kevin Piscopo Giovanni Di Noia - Midfielder - 28
99 - Forward - Enrico Piovanello Jacopo Martini - Midfielder - 6
8 - Midfielder - Davide Buglio Moses Odjer - Midfielder - 19
55 - Midfielder - Giuseppe Leone Riccardo Tonin - Forward - 9
20 - Guard - Demba Thiam Carlos Embalo - Forward - 95
27 - Forward - Leonardo Candellone Luigi Carillo - Defender - 33
6 - Defender - Marco Bellich Davide Riccardi - Defender - 18
13 - Defender - Matteo Baldi Alessandro Garattoni - Defender - 2
19 - Defender - Daniele Mignanelli Franco Vezzoni - Midfielder - 21
7 - Midfielder - Federico Romeo Tommaso Nobile - Guard - 96
70 - Forward - Pasquale Marranzino Idrissu Subutan - Forward - 32
77 - Defender - Alessandro Vimercati Gerardo Agnelli - Midfielder - 17
3 - Defender - Alessandro La Rosa Andrea Schenetti - Midfielder - 7
44 - Defender - Michele Picardi Orazio Pazienza - Midfielder - 47
5 - Midfielder - Sergio Maselli Luca De Simone - Guard - 12
16 - Guard - Alessandro Signorini Diego Peralta - Forward - 10
32 - Guard - Matteo Esposito Mattita Fiorini - Midfielder - 21
33 - Midfielder - Bilal Erradi Tomislav Papazov - Defender - 24
23 - Defender - Francesco Folino Joaquin Jaime Domingo Dalmasso - Guard - 22
17 - Forward - Mariano Guarracino Alessio Rossi - Midfielder - 25
31 - Forward - Pietro Rovaglia Mamadou Tounkara - Forward - 44
61 - Midfielder - Gennaro Ruggiero Emmanuel Salines - Defender -
28 - Defender - Cristian Andreoni Alessandro Brancato - Forward -
25 - Midfielder - Alberto Gerbo -
10 - Forward - Accursio Bentivegna -

Prematch Analytics

- Avg. Half Goals Avg. Goals Avg. Half Losts Avg. Losts Avg. Corners
Home 1.00 1.80 0.20 1.20 3.00
Away 0.20 0.60 0.60 1.60 4.00
Total 1.20 2.40 0.80 2.80 7.00
- Avg. Half Goals Avg. Goals Avg. Half Losts Avg. Losts Avg. Corners
Home 0.70 1.30 0.10 0.80 3.60
Away 0.70 1.60 0.40 1.10 3.80
Total 1.40 2.90 0.50 1.90 7.40


0 0
0 0


  • 1' - 1st Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 14' ~ 1st Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • 20' - 2nd Corner - Foggia
  • 22' ~ 2nd Yellow Card ~ ~(Juve Stabia)
  • 29' - 3rd Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 30' - 4th Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 30' - Race to 3 Corners - Juve Stabia
  • 38' ~ 3rd Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • 44' - 5th Corner - Foggia
  • Score After First Half - 0-0
  • 59' - 6th Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 68' ~ 4th Yellow Card ~ ~(Juve Stabia)
  • 72' ~ 5th Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • 74' ~ 6th Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • 84' ~ 7th Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • 87' - 7th Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 87' - Race to 5 Corners - Juve Stabia
  • 89' - 8th Corner - Juve Stabia
  • 90+1' ~ 8th Yellow Card ~ ~(Foggia)
  • Score After Full Time - 0-0


  • Stadio Romeo Menti
  • Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
  • Capacity: 7642