Belmont 2023-08-26 04:44

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Ancient Guidance Ryan Hill Ryan Hill
2 Hymns Of Eladdair Adam Durrant Adam Durrant 2.500
08/24 02:11
08/26 04:45
3 2 Happy As Larry P H Jordan P H Jordan 4.000
08/24 02:11
08/26 04:45
4 1 On Patrol S & J Casey S & J Casey 10.000
08/24 02:11
08/26 04:45
5 Trick All Treat Campbell McCallum Campbell McCallum 101.000
08/24 02:11
6 3 Bondi Plunge D Morton D Morton 4.600
08/24 02:11
08/26 04:45
7 4 State Of Fury Darren Mcauliffe Darren Mcauliffe 4.200
08/24 02:11
08/26 04:45
8 Guess Who's Back Campbell McCallum Campbell McCallum 51.000
08/24 02:11