NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Long Live Now | Carlos Mancilla | Jevian Toledo |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
2 | 3 Bill Of Rights | Joanne Shankle | Axel Concepcion |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
3 | 2 By Its Absence | Jr Mario Serey | Martina Rojas |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
4 | One America | Kelly Breen | Paco Lopez |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
5 | Freestanding | Brittany Russell | Sheldon Russell |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
6 | Victim Of The Nite | Emanuel Geralis | Angel Cruz |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
7 | Labarde | Horacio De | Victor Carrasco |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |
8 | 1 North Highland | Hamilton Smith | Jeiron Barbosa |
SP 09/16 14:42 |
- 09/17 19:38 |