NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Biscuits And Grits | Michael Rone |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
19.000 09/18 20:24 |
2 | Duke Of Darkness | Khadeem Galloway |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
9.000 09/18 20:24 |
3 | 1 Beverly Park | Raymond Ginter | Yan Aviles |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
- 09/18 20:24 |
4 | Authentic Cowtown | James Mcdonald | Luis Gonzalez |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
3.750 09/18 07:23 |
5 | 2 Uottalikeit | Marco Ibarra | Erik Barbaran |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
- 09/18 20:24 |
6 | It's Official | Lorenzo Juarez | Jose Bracho |
SP 09/17 14:40 |
- 09/18 20:24 |