NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Thunderlips | Bjorn Baker | Bjorn Baker |
16.000 09/28 04:01 |
15.000 10/01 11:15 |
2 | Flying Trapeze | Gary Portelli | Gary Portelli |
12.000 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |
3 | The King | Peter & Paul Snowden | Peter & Paul Snowden |
23.000 09/28 04:01 |
19.000 10/01 18:12 |
4 | Lost | James Cummings | James Cummings |
5.000 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |
5 | 2 Joliestar | Chris Waller | Chris Waller |
8.000 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |
6 | Queen Of The Mile | Michael Freedman | Michael Freedman |
23.000 09/28 04:01 |
17.000 10/01 18:35 |
7 | 3 Unstopabull | Chris Waller | Chris Waller |
8.500 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |
8 | Missouk | Peter & Paul Snowden | Peter & Paul Snowden |
19.000 09/28 04:01 |
23.000 09/30 05:05 |
9 | 4 Metallic Ruler | Sam Kavanagh | Sam Kavanagh |
51.000 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |
10 | 1 Facile | G Ryan & S Alexiou | G Ryan & S Alexiou |
2.000 09/28 04:01 |
- 10/02 02:26 |