NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Kobe's Cause | Hemel Kelly Von | Glenn Corbett |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
2 | 3 On A Dare | Edward Hardy | Ken Tohill |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
3 | 1 Midnight Rules | Bonnie Birzer | Alex Birzer |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
4.333 09/30 03:26 |
4 | Leading The Cause | Gene Jacquot | Kylee Jordan |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
5 | 2 Colorful Native | Gene Jacquot | Ramsey Zimmerman |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
6 | A Brush Of Luck | Salvador Arceo | Alfredo Jr Triana |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
7 | Tap The Brakes | Eusebio Rufino | Walter De La Cruz |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
8 | Prized Tap | Tom Wellington | Kylie Wellington |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
- 09/30 03:26 |
9 | Justice Once | Tanner Tracy | Kevin Roman |
SP 09/28 14:08 |
4.500 09/30 03:26 |