Finger Lakes 2023-10-16 20:09

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Gotta Connect Paul Barrow J Rohena SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
2 Here Comes Eli Jeremiah Englehart SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
3 3 Big Elm Michael Ferraro SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
4 2 Storm The Empire Jeffrey Englehart SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
5 Choppa Jonathan Buckley Kevin Navarro SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
6 Golddiggers Palace Jonathan Buckley Jacqueline Davis SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
7 Eridromos Lisa Lugovich Keiber Coa SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 08:19
8 Uncle Kendric Ronald Breed Heman Harkie SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
9 Support The Cat Rachel Sells Joel Sone SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21
10 Redemption Road Paul Barrow SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:09
11 1 Al's Frosted Paul Barrow Jeremias Flores SP
10/15 14:16
10/16 20:21