NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 2nd or better |
2.375 10/21 14:06 |
- 10/21 14:42 |
0 | 3rd or worse |
1.533 10/21 14:06 |
- 10/21 14:42 |
1 | Itchy Feet | O Murphy | Dylan Johnston |
SP 10/19 12:20 |
67.000 10/21 14:42 |
2 | West To The Bridge | D Skelton | Harry Skelton |
SP 10/19 12:20 |
6.500 10/21 14:42 |
3 | 2 Whitehotchillifili | H Fry | Ben Bromley |
SP 10/19 12:20 |
- 10/21 14:44 |
4 | 1 Rose Of Arcadia | Joe Tizzard | Freddie Gingell |
SP 10/19 12:20 |
1.363 10/21 14:42 |
5 | 3 Mr Yeats | M F Harris | Bradley Harris |
SP 10/19 12:20 |
7.500 10/21 14:42 |