Traralgon 2023-11-06 03:26

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Urana Rapid
2 Village Rose 2.250
11/06 03:21
11/06 03:27
3 Galloping Lucy
4 After Burner 1.800
11/06 03:21
11/06 03:27
5 Inter Black Fire -
11/06 03:26
11/06 03:27
6 2 Brindle Chic -
11/06 03:26
11/06 03:27
7 1 Below The Curve 1.600
11/06 03:21
11/06 03:27
8 3 Hide The Oreos 1.952
11/06 03:21
11/06 03:27
9 Inter Trigon -
11/06 03:26
11/06 03:27
9 Inter Trigon (Res)
10 Quota Bale (Res)
10 4 Quota Bale -
11/06 03:26
11/06 03:27