NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 2nd or better |
2.100 11/10 14:33 |
- 11/10 14:47 |
0 | 3rd or worse |
1.533 11/10 14:33 |
- 11/10 14:47 |
0 | Bingo De L'aunay |
6.000 11/10 14:15 |
7.500 11/10 14:51 |
0 | Roi Mage |
4.000 11/10 14:15 |
3.250 11/10 14:51 |
0 | Born To Be A Queen |
3.000 11/10 14:15 |
2.875 11/10 14:51 |
0 | Gasby Des Planches |
3.000 11/10 14:15 |
4.333 11/10 14:51 |
3 | Barcarolle | E Leray | Y Plumas |
23.000 11/10 14:15 |
- 11/10 14:54 |
5 | Harry Brown | P & C Peltier | T Beaurain |
19.000 11/10 14:15 |
- 11/10 14:54 |
7 | Hermine Allen | E&G Leenders | V Morin |
26.000 11/10 14:15 |
- 11/10 14:54 |