Warrnambool 2023-12-03 02:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Actaeon Symon Wilde Jordan Childs 10.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
2 2 Boot Of Cortez Mick Shepherdson Ms Rose Hammond 11.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
3 Field Of Mars Simon Zahra Will Price 7.000
12/01 22:51
4 Laudatory Paul Preusker Ryan Houston 23.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
5 Tough Judge Matthew Williams Dean Yendall 41.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
6 Yankee Street Rain Joanne Mugavin Melissa Julius 101.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
7 1 War Drama Ciaron Maher & David Eustace John Allen 5.500
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
8 Bella Fillide Sonny Coombes Tayla Childs
9 Excelsior Diamond Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young Billy Egan 4.800
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
10 3 Lunar Module Archie Alexander Fred W Kersley 4.600
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11
11 Miss Italiana Andrew Noblet Rhys Mcleod 10.000
12/01 22:51
12/02 11:27
12 Smart Return Tom Dabernig Blaike Mcdougall 6.000
12/01 22:51
12/03 02:11