Turfway Park 2023-12-07 02:25

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Rocket Docket Michelle Elliott Andres Ulloa SP
12/05 15:12
12/06 10:31
2 2 Paddy's House Robert Dobbs Orlando Mojica SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
3 Inherent Powers Nancy Adams Walter Rodriguez SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
4 Shipshape Tomas Medina Samuel Bermudez SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
5 Giacometti Tim Girten Summer Pauly SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:31
6 1 Jareth Gerald Brooks Fernando Cruz La De SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:31
7 Tale Of Fame Randy Klopp Joseph Ramos SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:31
8 J W Ruckus Larry Smith Perry Ouzts SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:31
9 Raf Kathy Jarvis Luan Machado SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
10 Real News Ralph Martinez John McKee SP
12/05 15:12
12/06 10:31
11 3 Mon Ami Fuzzie D Ackerman Cory Orm SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
12 Alpine Ghost James Watkins Carlos Ulloa SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
13 Color Field Ismael Bahena Gabriel Lagunes SP
12/05 15:12
12/07 02:32
14 Enjoy The Music Larry Rivelli Gerardo Corrales SP
12/05 15:12
12/06 10:52