Fair Grounds 2023-12-14 19:15

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Inthealy Denise Schmidt Reylu Gutierrez SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
2 1 Big Scully Shane Wilson Jose Guerrero SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
3 2 Risky Priority Lee Thomas Jose Rodriguez SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
4 3 Field Of Vision Ricky Courville Carlos Marquez SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
5 4 One Tough Charlie Gary Husak Aubrie Green SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
6 The Three Ks Keven Williams Serafin Carmona SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
7 Custom Prayer John Ladner Gerard Melancon SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23
8 Astrologysprotege Kevin Thompson Deshawn Parker SP
12/13 15:20
12/14 19:23