Aqueduct 2023-12-15 17:50

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Avalanche Is Comin Amira Chichakly Jhovany Paredes SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53
2 1 Stop Giggling Bruce Levine Ruben Silvera SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53
3 2 Graceful Mitchell Friedman Dylan Davis SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53
4 Dramatic Effect Neville Henry Richard Mitchell SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53
5 3 Belle Of The Ball Linda Rice Jose Lezcano SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53
6 Chiara James H Bond Luis Rivera Jr SP
12/14 15:22
12/15 17:53