Terang 2023-12-19 06:00

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 3 Winds Of March Simon Zahra Ryan Houston 6.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
2 Gmork M & L Cooper Lester Grace 11.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
3 One Thing Counts Lindsey Smith Tom Madden 2.500
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
4 2 Speakeasy Matt Cumani Ryan Hurdle 10.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
5 The Geisha Deanne Taylor Amy Herrmann 26.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
6 Albanian Icon Paul Koumis Jarrod Fry 4.800
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
7 Ithacan Charlotte Littlefield Teodore Nugent
8 Geraldine's Jewel Maddie Raymond Harry Grace 12.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
9 1 Fiorente Spritz Holly Mckechnie Harry Coffey 9.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
10 Prize Lad David Drever Alana Kelly 61.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
11 Chanchos Anthony Cosgriff Neil Farley 23.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02
12 4 Innocent Pegg Wayne Walters Kate Walters 34.000
12/17 23:04
12/19 06:02