Sunshine Coast 2023-12-17 07:20

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Ivanov A & D Simpson Sophie Wilcock 11.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
2 1 Breaking Ground Jack Bruce Damien Thornton 5.500
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
3 2 Taupo Tiger J G Symons & S Laxon Robbie Dolan 11.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
4 3 Tequila Nights Jack Bruce Justin Huxtable 8.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
5 Zouy's Comet Wendy Bannerot Dale Smith 13.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
6 4 All The Shops Josh Sweeney Boris Thornton 11.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
7 Easy Company Stuart Kendrick Taylor Marshall 4.600
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
8 Golly Hutt Paul Jenkins Trudy Thornton 17.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
9 Chance With Wolves J Aitkenhead Casey Waddell 71.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
10 Deep Clean S O'Dea & M Hoysted Ben Thompson 7.000
12/16 03:07
11 Satashi Robert Heathcote James Orman 7.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
12 Cluedo Brian Smith Michael Rodd 11.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
13 Sassy Choice Andrew Mead Olivia Kendal 26.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21
14 Birkin Black Bette Harden Mark Du Plessis 26.000
12/16 03:07
12/17 07:21