NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Bow Ribbon | MAX MCGAW | Glenn Cahill |
3.600 01/06 00:04 |
6.000 01/07 03:58 |
2 | 2 Dazzling Robert | Owen Glue | Boris Thornton |
13.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
3 | Nefi | Aiden St Vincent | Luke Rolls |
34.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
4 | Code Of Silence | Stephen Lee | Jai Williams |
7.500 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
5 | I'm Picturesque | Kevin King | Chris Taylor |
13.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
6 | Kaytee Bold | Daiki Chujo | Nozi Tomizawa |
71.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
7 | Max 'O' Max | Owen Glue | Unknown Jockey 7 |
26.000 01/06 00:04 |
11.000 01/06 13:06 |
8 | Pennies Destiny | Greg Howells | Raymond Spokes |
5.500 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
9 | Shatusla | Fleur Blanch | Amy Graham |
5.500 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
10 | 4 Sheezabenfica | Neville Boyle | Scott Galloway |
101.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
11 | 3 Son Of Heroic | Darren Graham | Matthew Mcguren |
7.500 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |
12 | 1 True Fairy | Daiki Chujo | Noriyuki Masuda |
7.000 01/06 00:04 |
- 01/07 04:16 |