NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Mucho Misstique | Jr Louis Linder, | Luis Ocasio |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
- 01/30 18:15 |
2 | Culpa Blanco | Michael Aro | Mychel Sanchez |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
3.500 01/30 18:15 |
3 | Jamaican Mi Hazel | Everton Smith | Adam Bowman |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
- 01/30 18:15 |
4 | 3 One Of The Ones | John Servis | Abner Adorno |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
- 01/30 18:15 |
5 | 1 Wine Goddess | Stephen Hamilton | Silvestre Gonzalez |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
- 01/30 18:15 |
6 | 4 Practical Rachel | Kathleen DeMasi | Luis Rivera Jr |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
6.000 01/30 18:15 |
7 | Soulful Tara | James Noble | Ruben Silvera |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
4.500 01/30 08:25 |
8 | 2 Mamma Mia Esterina | William Hogan | Yabriel Ramos |
SP 01/29 15:12 |
8.000 01/30 18:15 |