NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 2nd or better |
2.100 02/14 13:23 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
0 | 3rd or worse |
1.666 02/14 13:23 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
1 | 4 Arverni Princess | Louis Goosen | Deryl Daniels |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
2 | Full Of Magic | Garth Puller | R Fourie |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
3 | 3 Vision Of Will | Paul Gadsby | Rachel Venniker |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
4 | Hereinafter | Michael Miller | Tristan Godden |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
5 | Magicallee | Gary Rich | Brevan Plaatjies |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
6 | 2 Le Premiere | Dennis Bosch | A Mgudlwa |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
7 | 1 Kennedy | Willem Nel | Calvin Habib |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |
8 | Predator's Feast | Yadav Singh | Nicholas Patel |
SP 02/13 13:21 |
- 02/14 13:36 |