Aqueduct 2024-03-03 21:28

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Sail With The Wind Leah Gyarmati Kendrick Carmouche SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 10:38
2 Ice Love M Ferraro Luis Rivera Jr SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
3 5 Starry Midnight Adam Rice Jose Lezcano SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
4 Freddymo Factor Eduardo Jones Omar Moreno Hernandez SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
5 Lavon Marialice Coffey Ruben Silvera SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
6 1 Kara Para James Ryerson Dylan Davis SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
7 2 Jsk Lucky's Pushpa Scott Lake Luis Ocasio SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
8 4 Shigeko Mertkan Kantarmaci Manuel Franco SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
9 3 Bella Principessa Robert Klesaris Heman Harkie SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 21:29
10 Lady Fortuna Leah Gyarmati Lane Luzzi SP
03/02 15:21
03/03 09:04