Traralgon 2024-04-06 08:24

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Starlight Roy -
04/06 08:25
2 1 Romp Tin 1.800
04/06 08:19
04/06 08:25
3 3 Buster's Dream 1.952
04/06 08:19
04/06 08:25
4 2 Blue Chaser 1.600
04/06 08:19
04/06 08:25
5 Grant's Treasure -
04/06 08:25
6 Our Boy Maestro 2.250
04/06 08:19
04/06 08:25
7 4 Little Venice -
04/06 08:25
8 Elsie Dreaming -
04/06 08:25
9 On The Mint (Res)
9 On The Mint