Mahoning Valley 2024-04-11 18:18

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 2 Thedayofthegrey Robert Cline Jose Bracho
1 2 Thedayofthegrey Robert Cline Jose Bracho SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
2 3 Manga Man Nestor Rivera Luis Batista
2 3 Manga Man Nestor Rivera Luis Batista SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
3 1 Country Club Bobby Jeffrey Radosevich Luis Rivera SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
4 Mister Mobil Ricardo Bailey Yan Aviles
4 Mister Mobil Ricardo Bailey Yan Aviles SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
5 Rumble Strip Ron Gary Johnson Mauro Cedillo
5 Rumble Strip Ron Gary Johnson Mauro Cedillo SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
6 The Pink Z Fernando Silva Jason Simpson SP
04/10 14:17
04/11 18:25
6 The Pink Z Fernando Silva Jason Simpson