NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 5 Seal The Day | Linda Salinas | Aldo Arboleda |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
2 | Divine Gift | Rudy Ybarra | Allyssa Morales |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
3 | 1 Hot Lava Cake | Justin Evans | Glenn Corbett |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
4 | Silk Pillow | Clifton Dennis | Jayden Ironeyes |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
5 | 3 Summer Russ | Ryan Kenney | Kevin Radke |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
6 | 4 Texas Wendy | Travis Denny | Kiaman McGregor |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
7 | 2 Russian Tothe Wire | Valorie Lund | Karlo Lopez |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
8 | Better B Worth It | Vann Belvoir | Assael Espinoza |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |
9 | Glimpse Of Gold | Joe Toye | Cerapio Figueroa |
SP 04/16 14:12 |
- 04/18 00:17 |