NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Sosthenes | Jeffrey Caught | Pietro Romeo |
4.800 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
2 | Rivalon | Jeffrey Caught | Adrian Layt |
6.500 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
3 | Kaisa | Kat Hall | Scott Sheargold |
2.800 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
4 | 4 Ice Bound | Troy Clive | Isabella Teh |
10.000 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
5 | 1 Sea Of Cortez | Chelsea Jokic | Ms C Jokic |
4.200 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
6 | Hughie Vuitton | D K Amos | Olivia Kendal |
4.800 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
7 | 5 The Hippy | Liliana Mccormack | Denicious Smith |
51.000 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
8 | 2 Fairybower Flyer | Joshua Manzelmann | Lacey Morrison |
15.000 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |
9 | 3 My Little Viking | Kat Hall | C Whiteley |
21.000 04/22 01:43 |
- 04/23 03:40 |