NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 1 Fifty Five Mustang | Luke Pepper | Ben Looker |
2.700 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
2 | Irish Accolade | Larry Fairhall | Unknown Jockey 2 |
7.500 05/02 01:00 |
10.000 05/02 06:40 |
3 | Lord Of The Dance | P M Farrell | Ella Drew |
71.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
4 | Nipper Bee | Wayne Brown | Unknown Jockey 4 |
71.000 05/02 01:00 |
151.000 05/02 05:07 |
5 | The Favorite Son | Ben Blay | Robbie Downey |
15.000 05/02 01:00 |
21.000 05/02 11:09 |
6 | Thirteen Red | Jeremy Sylvester | Luke Rolls |
71.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
7 | 4 Apparently | Brett Cavanough | Andrew Gibbons |
11.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
8 | Black Fence Fever | Brett Cavanough | Jenny Duggan |
41.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
9 | Bowie's Prophet | Peter H Bloomfield | Mitch Stapleford |
71.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
10 | Cape Blame | Brett Cavanough | Reece Jones |
21.000 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
11 | 3 Read 'Em And Weep | Justin Bowen | Aaron Bullock |
4.800 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
12 | 5 San Gavino | Brett Cavanough | Braith Nock |
7.500 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
13 | 2 Sheila's Fanta Sea | Wayne Wilkes | Shae Wilkes |
7.500 05/02 01:00 |
- 05/03 02:11 |
14 | Smart Lily | Wayne Wilkes | Unknown Jockey 14 |
26.000 05/02 01:00 |
41.000 05/02 06:40 |
15 | Sister Josephine | P M Farrell | Unknown Jockey 15 |
21.000 05/02 01:00 |
23.000 05/02 11:09 |