Angle Park 2024-05-02 11:33

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Aquila 2.000
05/02 11:29
05/02 11:34
2 Lakeview Lana -
05/02 11:34
3 3 Dishonest -
05/02 11:34
4 1 Machismo 1.750
05/02 11:29
05/02 11:34
5 2 Shipway -
05/02 11:34
6 Uno Whiskey 1.750
05/02 11:29
05/02 11:34
7 Kisses For Clara 2.000
05/02 11:29
05/02 11:34
8 Osprey Diva (Res)
8 Osprey Diva
9 Warringah Bale
9 Warringah Bale (Res)
10 On The Northerns (Res)
10 On The Northerns -
05/02 11:34