Laurel Park 2024-05-05 18:00

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 The Ice Man Carlos Carlos Mancilla Angel Cruz SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04
2 Mister Agent Somraj Singh J G Torrealba SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 07:41
3 Chica Chuck Joel Maldonado Andres Chavez SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04
4 Little Lance Jamie Ness Jaime Rodriguez SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04
5 2 One Way Farrior Kieron Magee Carlos Lopez SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04
6 3 Irish Bandit John Robb Xavier Perez SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04
7 1 Paco The Taco Man Horacio De Kevin Gomez SP
05/04 14:19
05/05 18:04