Bulli 2024-05-14 06:49

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Zipping Teresa -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50
2 2 Brilliant Light 2.400
05/14 06:44
05/14 06:50
3 Denali Bear
4 Hunker Down 1.530
05/14 06:44
05/14 06:50
5 Rosa Marie
6 Sweet Redemption -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50
7 4 Shinkansen -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50
8 3 Disco Tommy -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50
9 Bad Bart -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50
9 Bad Bart (Res)
10 Curse Of Cod (Res)
10 Curse Of Cod -
05/14 06:49
05/14 06:50