Nowra 2024-05-27 10:53

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Shades Of Rose 1.800
05/27 10:48
05/27 10:54
2 Gamblin' Ethics -
05/27 10:54
3 1 Rockstar Aloha 1.952
05/27 10:48
05/27 10:54
4 Ashby Jazzy
4 Ashby Jazzy (Res)
5 Next Of Kinloch -
05/27 10:54
6 4 Nicko King -
05/27 10:54
7 3 Indefatigable 1.500
05/27 10:48
05/27 10:54
8 2 Banjo's Express 2.500
05/27 10:48
05/27 10:54
9 Master Artist -
05/27 10:54
10 Cumbria Rich
10 Cumbria Rich (Res)