Canberra 2024-06-01 05:56

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Love Shuck Todd Smart Jake Barrett 3.600
05/30 23:40
05/31 10:49
2 I Am Mamwaazel John Rolfe Ellen Hennessy 23.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
3 Dreaming Of Vegas Rob Potter Jack Martin 4.400
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
4 3 Delightful Dream MITCHELL MALONEY-STONE Nick Heywood 19.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
5 5 What A Peach B Joseph & P & M Jones Quayde Krogh 10.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
6 4 Camerlengo Garry Kirkup Matthew Cahill 34.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
7 2 Starliv Matthew Kelley Coriah Keatings 12.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
8 Chasing A Quid Gratz Vella Damon Budler 4.400
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58
9 Chop The Ice Gratz Vella Unknown Jockey 9 6.000
05/30 23:40
05/31 08:53
10 1 Get Shafted Lynne Morrison Olivia Chambers 11.000
05/30 23:40
06/01 05:58