Hawthorne 2024-06-15 22:54

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 3 Deal'em And Weep Chris Block Orlando Mojica SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
2 Wahida Of Mardan Joel Zawitz Rachel Slevinsky SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:14
3 Bluesup Greensdown Brian Cook Alberto Burgos SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
4 4 Argan Fausto Gutierrez Olaf Hernandez SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
5 5 Possession Gerald James Carlos Ulloa SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
6 1 Off The Lam Fausto Gutierrez Luis Colon SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
7 Realistic Goal Manny Perez Rishawn Blanche SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
8 2 Crossanna Chris Block David Cohen SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
9 Roar Of Silence Mickey Goldfine Julio Felix SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 23:28
10 Absolute Miracle Louie Roussel Alexis Centeno SP
06/14 14:14
06/15 14:08