NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Simply Lovely |
6.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
0 | Ismael Paint |
4.500 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
0 | Avrilomanoir |
8.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
0 | Droit De Parole |
9.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
1 | Kizmambo | P Decouz | P Cheyer |
8.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
2 | Baba Sim | J Goossens | T Bachelot |
10.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
3 | Sister Of Love | M Guarnieri | R Liegeois |
21.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
5 | Lovely Angel | M Seror | A Madamet |
21.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
7 | Noce D'or | Mme M Bourgeais | C Lecoeuvre |
23.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
9 | Bobik | Mlle S Vermeersch | F Lefebvre |
34.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
10 | Bacchilide | M Guarnieri | G Mosse |
8.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
11 | Reminisce | R Roels | L Boisseau |
15.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
12 | Maziwa | G Doleuze | J Claudic |
19.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
14 | Excalibur | Mme S Lanslots | F Valle Skar |
12.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
15 | The Charm | F Fievez | B Marie |
17.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |
16 | Papateou | B Koninck | M Velon |
15.000 06/14 14:58 |
- 06/14 15:33 |