NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Morethansoultitle | Dino Condilenios | Scott Williams |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
4.500 06/22 03:40 |
2 | Another Guinness | Frank Barroby | Bebeto Harvey |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
- 06/22 03:41 |
3 | 4 Self Serving | Steve Henson | Antonio Reyes |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
- 06/22 03:41 |
4 | 1 English Bay Teddy | Robert VanOverschot | Brian Boodramsingh |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
2.200 06/22 03:40 |
5 | 3 Baby Grand | Dave Milburn | Learie Seecharan |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
- 06/22 03:41 |
6 | 2 Eye Be Seeing You | Robert Maybin | Christopher Mamdeen |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
3.500 06/22 03:40 |
7 | Vancouver's Hunter | Harold Barroby | Kuri Powell |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
- 06/22 03:41 |
8 | Ring Of Kerry | Greg Beneen | Silvino Morales |
SP 06/20 14:18 |
- 06/22 03:41 |