NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 1 Pleasant Dreams | Bobbi Hawthorne | Abner Adorno |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |
2 | 2 Lost In Thought | Michael Aro | Mychel Sanchez |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |
3 | 3 Driven To Success | Jr Edward Coletti, | Matilda Burnham |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |
4 | Winbori | Herold Whylie | Richard Mitchell |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
26.000 06/25 11:44 |
5 | Rock It Ruby | Ney Pessanha | Luis Ocasio |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |
6 | She'sallatwitter | Bobbi Hawthorne | Silvestre Gonzalez |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
4.000 06/25 11:44 |
7 | The Last Jet | Howard Brown | Ruben Silvera |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |
8 | 4 Whiskeystreetblues | Jr Edward Coletti, | Eliseo Ruiz |
SP 06/24 14:17 |
- 06/25 18:05 |