Mandurah 2024-06-26 13:19

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 3 Negroni 1.530
06/26 13:13
06/26 13:20
2 Geoff Woke Up -
06/26 13:20
3 Pop's Pocket -
06/26 13:20
4 4 Ohana Ranadi -
06/26 13:20
5 Pocono 2.400
06/26 13:13
06/26 13:20
6 Sago Gundi 1.800
06/26 13:13
06/26 13:20
7 1 Limited Gas -
06/26 13:20
8 2 Comet Bay Katie 1.952
06/26 13:13
06/26 13:20
9 Not The Hair
9 Not The Hair (Res)
10 Coda Herrera