NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Take Charge Too | Kieron Magee | Jeiron Barbosa |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |
2 | 2 Swill | Brittany Russell | Sheldon Russell |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |
3 | The Judge And Jury | Jamie Ness | Jaime Rodriguez |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |
4 | 1 John The Bear | III A Allen, | J G Torrealba |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |
5 | Whiskey And You | Jr Roy Peacock, | Johan Rosado |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |
6 | Arden'sluckytobe | Diana McClure | Tais Lyapustina |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
4.333 06/29 11:19 |
7 | 3 Five Dreams | Michael Moore | Andy Hernandez |
SP 06/28 14:17 |
- 06/29 19:37 |