NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 5 Scissor Step | T & C Mcevoy | Jaylah Kennedy |
16.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
2 | Direct | Daniel Mccarthy | Celine Gaudray |
21.000 07/01 06:58 |
23.000 07/01 07:44 |
3 | Rattle And Bang | Dean Binaisse | Sheridan Clarke |
15.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
4 | Fire | Matt Cumani | Damian Lane |
15.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
5 | Etienne | Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young | John Allen |
9.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
6 | Along The River | M & L Cerchi | Ryan Houston |
29.000 07/01 06:58 |
16.000 07/02 01:27 |
7 | 1 Beast Mode | Ben, Will & Jd Hayes | Blake Shinn |
6.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
8 | Mawallock | Lindsey Smith | Fred W Kersley |
3.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
9 | Fission | R Griffiths & M De Kock | Ethan Brown |
21.000 07/01 06:58 |
12.000 07/02 10:24 |
10 | 3 Wondereach | Matthew Smith | Jordan Childs |
15.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
11 | Go To Hollywood | John R Allen | Daniel Stackhouse |
15.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
12 | End Journey | David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins | Beau Mertens |
11.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
13 | Lloyd's Crown | Rebecca Waymouth | Tatum Bull |
71.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
14 | Nasraawy | Gavin Bedggood | Ms Rose Hammond |
19.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
15 | 4 Machinist | Jack Laing | Patrick Moloney |
51.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
16 | 2 Moonhaven | A & S Freedman | Jye Mcneil |
17.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |
17 | Kiss My Millo | Andrew Homann | Theodore Ladd |
81.000 07/01 06:58 |
- 07/03 05:56 |