NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Flaming Homer | Tim Cook | Unknown Jockey 1 |
7.500 07/03 02:44 |
2 | 3 Private Cheetah | D K Amos | Ashley Butler |
6.500 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
3 | Chalkley | David Micallef | Shae Nielson |
17.000 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
4 | 1 Growl | Glenda Bell | Warwick Satherley |
4.400 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
5 | Last Laugh | Tracy Simmons | Mckenzie Apel |
61.000 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
6 | Microwave Jenny | Rebecca Binder | Corey Bayliss |
15.000 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
7 | Chaseton | Sileas Green | Justin Huxtable | ||
8 | 5 Set The Sails | Steven Royes | Chelsea Jokic |
2.200 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
9 | Tsunami Force | Joao Campeao | Nathan Thomas |
15.000 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
10 | Ice Skater | Lyle Wright | Adrian Layt |
31.000 07/03 02:44 |
17.000 07/04 06:47 |
11 | 2 Terminus | Peter Fleming | Justin P Stanley |
6.500 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |
12 | The Blonde Goddess | G R Green | Karl Zechner | ||
13 | Divine Hunter | Joshua Manzelmann | Jake Bayliss | ||
14 | 4 Just Frank | Joshua Manzelmann | Zac Sprie |
31.000 07/03 02:44 |
- 07/04 06:47 |