NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Gift Of The G |
4.000 07/08 18:02 |
3.250 07/08 18:31 |
0 | Bell Song |
3.250 07/08 18:02 |
8.000 07/08 18:31 |
2 | Full Gain | B Montzey De | A Guilloteau |
6.500 07/08 18:02 |
5.000 07/08 18:31 |
3 | Tawhiri | S Brogi | W Levesque |
8.000 07/08 18:02 |
- 07/08 18:32 |
4 | Ladies Law | A De Watrigant | T Blanchouin |
21.000 07/08 18:02 |
- 07/08 18:32 |
5 | Katalina | R Lopez | A Lucas Toron |
10.000 07/08 18:02 |
- 07/08 18:32 |
6 | Lauper | R Montenegro | C Raimbault |
8.500 07/08 18:02 |
3.250 07/08 18:31 |
7 | Rafale | D De Watrigant | S Le Quilleuc |
10.000 07/08 18:02 |
- 07/08 18:32 |
9 | Atlanta | C Alonso Pena | V Alonso Vidal De La Pena |
41.000 07/08 18:02 |
- 07/08 18:32 |