NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Definitely Famous | Robert Burow | Savannah Mccann |
1.800 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
2 | 1 Fifty Carats | Tanya Parry | Chloe Lowe |
4.400 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
3 | Rusty Rose | Tanya Parry | Terrence Hill |
10.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
4 | The Last Crusade | Peter Inwood | M Gray |
10.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
5 | Victory Beans | Bevan Johnson | Corey Bayliss |
21.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
6 | 4 Areya Tuchuzy | James Baker | James Baker |
21.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
7 | Let's Go Then | Tanya Parry | Michael Mcdonald |
15.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
8 | Louie The Legend | Tanya Parry | Keith Ballard |
101.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
9 | 3 Tornado Torque | John Manzelmann | Mckenzie Apel |
6.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
10 | 5 White Ribbon | Denise Ballard | Zac Sprie |
21.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
11 | Hypothesize | Holly-Marie Robertson | Jason Hoopert |
101.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |
12 | Miss Bouchard | Tanya Parry | Unknown Jockey 12 |
51.000 07/14 03:20 |
41.000 07/14 05:35 |
13 | 2 Malabar Prince | Kerry Krogh | S Mc Govern |
101.000 07/14 03:20 |
- 07/15 05:44 |