Ballinrobe 2024-07-22 17:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Alonzo J P O'Brien H J Horgan SP
07/20 12:11
07/21 16:19
2 Next Trick D K Weld J J G Ryan SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 16:52
3 2 Jack Spriggins J P Murtagh B M Coen SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13
4 The Crafty Girl Alan McIntyre Gabriella Hill SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:12
5 3 Nika Pika P Magee R C Colgan SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13
6 1 Dont Do Dramas M Mulvany W Joyce SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13
7 Spunog T Cleary R P Cleary SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 08:17
8 5 More Profit G P Cromwell R Whearty SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13
9 6 Butterfly Bush P Magee S Foley SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13
10 Share The Treasure T Hogan J M Sheridan SP
07/20 12:11
07/21 16:19
11 4 Gregorina A McGuinness J A Powell SP
07/20 12:11
07/22 17:13